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CYPE StruBIM-Steel

StruBIM Steel is a computer program that helps make plans for building steel structures. This tool helps people design and create detailed building plans using different tools


3D Modeling

2D Drafting

Bill of quantity

CYPE, StruBIM-Steel

StruBIM Steel is a computer program that helps make plans for building steel structures. This tool helps people design and create detailed building plans using different tools. It helps them define all the parts, like sections, plates, bolts, welds, and anchors. Aplication can export IFC, PDF, DWG, STEP files.

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Prices for modules start at 4500 EUR (permanent licenses)

Start from scratch or import DWG or IFC

As StruBIM Steel is an Open BIM tool and connected to the platform, it offers different workflow options.

  • Modelling steel structures directly in StruBIM Steel from scratch
  • Importing a steel structure designed in CYPE 3D
  • Importing a steel structure designed in CYPECAD
  • Importing models of steel structure in IFC format with IFC Uploader
  • Importing structures developed in other tools via the StruBIM Uploader
  • Import DWG

Design 3D parts and assemblies

Model Grid and Structure members. When entering a section, selecting the type, material and profile section and, in some cases, its layout, is necessary. To make modelling easier, the characteristics of the insertion point can also be set, selecting the alignment condition (left, centre, right, among others), and applying rotations and displacements. Varios standards are supported, included Eurocode EN 1993, Eurocode EN 1992 and more.


Design 3D joints

Both StruBIM Steel and CYPE Connect include a specific tool for modelling connections between structural steel elements. Both programs can access this tool via the “Connections” option.

The modelling and connection analysis panel has three tabs at the top: “Model”, “Analysis” and “Sheets”.

Modelling connections

Within the “Model” tab, users can enter a list of operations that are used sequentially to define the elements and geometry of the connection.

2D production documentation and bill of materials

Detailing sheets

Within the “Documents” tab, in the “Sheets” group of the main toolbar, the features required to generate the graphical information of the structure can be found. Using these tools, it is possible to create sheets of elements and parts (sections and plates), assembly sheets, connection sheets and sheets with the general views of the model. From the “Sheets” menu, you can access the “Generation options”, “Parts”, “Assemblies”, “Joints”, “Model views”, “Composition” and “List” tools.


Learning materials

Why choose CYPE?

  • Working environment similar to other BIM and CAD programs.
  • The interface is simple and intuitive.
  • DWG, DXF, IFC and other files can be imported.

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BIM Server (free of charge)

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  • Common data environment – an online resource to store data.
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