CAD and BIM compatibility

Imagine that you only work with DWG files and your project colleague uses the BIM method. At some point, when working on the same project, your files have to “interact”. Watch the video to see how it works. CadLine, developer of BIM software ARCHLine.XP, has released a plug-in to achieve efficient two-way collaboration between ZWCAD […]

StruBIM Steel

Cype video program – StruBim Steel creating new connections using a similar existing connection. TRY FOR FREE CYPE

CAD to BIM: ZWCAD – ARCHLine.XP collaboration

ZWCAD and ARCHLine.XP offer superior CAD to BIM conversion services for AEC professionals, facilitating accurate building modeling and construction documentation. Watch this video! ARCHLine.XP is a professional BIM (Building Information Modeling) design software to create architectural, interior design and furniture design projects.Collaborate with co-designers using IFC, DWG™ and RVT™ formats.Easy-to-learn, easy-to-use CAD/BIM software with […]

ARCHLine.XP new render engine

“Rendering is the best way of giving your modell a brilliant visualization.” The new render module of ARCHLine.XP 2023 offers a simple and fast solution for creating photorealistic renderings. It was developed to meet the needs of architectural and interior design projects. Advanced shading effects such as ambient occlusion, shadows and transparency also bring out fine […]

ARCHLine.XP – rendering Beginner to Expert

Renderēšana ir labākais rīks, lai piedāvātu klientiem reālistisku vizuālo dizainu veidā. Visgaidītākā ARCHLine.XP 2023 jaunā funkcija ir jaunais renderēšanas dzinējs, kas piedāvā vienkāršu un ātru risinājumu augstas kvalitātes fotoreālistisku renderējumu izveidei. Šajā apmācības video sekojiet renderēšanas soļiem. Jūs uzzināsiet, kā apgūt Q1, Q2 un Qx renderēšanas priekšiestatījumus, un atklāsiet tādu jaunu iestatījumu burvību kā Samples […]

How to renovate a two-room apartment?

How to renovate a two-room apartment? In this video we introduce the use of design phases. With the help of phase and phase filters, we will create the new plan starting from the state of an existing plan. The phases can be tracked in full documentation, so 3D views, sections, elevations and consignation lists follow […]

Quantities, Improved IFC and Better Coordination in the New Renga Release

With the new release of Renga, we are delivering even more capabilities specifically tailored to the way you work. We’re implementing new enhancements geared towards tools for automatic drawings production. We’re improving how Renga coordinates across products by generating new unique object IDs, and we’re giving your productivity a boost with new IFC functionality. New […]

Renga 4.5 Release Announcement

Renga Software development team is exited to announce the latest release of Renga BIM system. This release brings you enhancements and optimizations – including better interoperability and integration between Renga and other BIM software – and a piece of new functionality that will speed up your project delivery. Read on to see what’s new in […]